Welcome to «Stopp Rassismus»

the counselling service against racism and discrimination offered by the cantons of Basel-Landschaft and Basel-Stadt.

People who are exposed to racist discrimination can get free advice from us on how to defend themselves and demand respect, justice and dignity.

If you observe people affected by discriminatory or racist incidents, you can refer them to «Stopp Rassismus» or contact us yourself.

The cantons of Basel-Landschaft and Basel-Stadt offer a free counselling service for people who are exposed to discrimination and racist attacks. «Stopp Rassismus» is politically and denominationally independent.

«Stopp Rassismus» is particularly open to people who feel disadvantaged in any way whatsoever because of their skin colour, language, appearance, religious affiliation, citizenship or origin.

Discrimination, racist statements or actions can occur, for example, when looking for work or housing, in pubs and shops, in contacts with authorities and individuals, in public spaces or media.

Make affected people aware of us or contact us directly if you are personally affected or if you come across such discrimination in your environment or in your work – also in case of doubt!

Contact us directly by telephone and we will help you clarify whether and what to do.

By documenting discriminatory and racist incidents, we all contribute to awareness raising and prevention – thank you!

«Stopp Rassismus» will provide you with competent advice and specific assistance. Your concerns will be treated with absolute confidentiality. We will inform you about legal steps, contact authorities and relevant agencies and accompany you in your further steps jointly decided on.

Johan Göttl and Elisa Carandina

Stopp Rassismus
Beratungsstelle beider Basel gegen Rassismus und Diskriminierung
Gallenweg 8,  2.OG
4133 Pratteln

Google Map

Phone 061 821 44 55
Fax 061 821 45 83,

We are available by phone on Tuesday and Wednesday 9–12 a.m. as well as on Friday 2–5 p.m.
Our consultations are free of charge!
You can make a personal appointment with us by phone or e-mail.
If you wish, we can also arrange an appointment in Basel- Stadt.

Account for donations
STOPP Rassismus, 4133 Pratteln
IBAN: CH60 0076 9041 1264 4200 1

Flyer 2020 «Stopp Rassismus»  Stopp_Rassismus_Flyer D_E 2021

Annual report 2023 «Stopp Rassismus»   Stopp_Rasismus_JB_2023
Annual report 2022 «Stopp Rassismus» Stopp_Rasismus_JB_2022
Annual report 2021 «Stopp Rassismus» Stopp_Rassismus_JB_2021
Annual report 2020 «Stopp Rassismus» Stopp_Rassismus_JB_2020
Annual report 2019 «Stopp Rassismus» Stopp_Rassismus_JB_2019
Annual report 2018 «Stopp Rassismus»  Stopp_Rassismus_JB_2018

Would you like to receive our «Stopp Rassismus» flyer on paper?

Rassismusvorfälle aus der Beratungspraxis, Januar bis Dezember 2021
Beratungsnetz für Rassismusopfer

Anti-Schwarzen-Rassismus in der Schweiz – Eine Bestandsaufnahme, Oktober 2017
Explorative Studie zuhanden der Fachstelle für Rassismusbekämpfung (FRB)
Antischwarzen Rassismus_SFM – Studies Bestandesaufnahme 2017

Empfehlungen der EKR zum Thema Rassismus gegenüber schwarzen Menschen in der Schweiz, Dezember 2017
Anti-Schwarze-Rassismus. Juristische Untersuchung zu Phänomen, Herausforderungen und Handlungsbedarf
Antischwarzen Rassismus_Epfehlungen EKR